Meeting Rooms
Meeting Room Info
The Fall River Public Library has a large meeting room that is available for public use when not being used for library programs. The meeting room must be reserved ahead of time. Priorities in the use of meeting facilities are as follows:
Meetings held, sponsored, or co-sponsored by the library.
Meetings held by a city, state, or federal agency or official.
Meetings held by Fall River groups or organizations.
Meetings held by Greater Fall River groups or organizations.
Meetings held by individuals.
The facilities are available to for-profit and nonprofit groups and organizations upon payment of the appropriate fee or fees. Fee is non-refundable if not cancelled with a 30-day notice. Fees are currently as follows:
Room For-Profit Groups Non-Profit Groups or Individuals
Meeting Room fee $50 per meeting $10 per meeting
Meetings must be reserved in advance. Meetings should be scheduled to end at least one half-hour before the library closes, to insure that all participants will have left the library by closing time.
The fact that an organization is permitted to meet at the library does not constitute an endorsement of the organization's beliefs by the library, and any promotion or publicity must indicate such.
The library does not provide equipment (including projectors), promotion, or refreshments for outside groups. Groups may bring their own, but must clean up after the meeting. Groups may book up to one meeting per month.
The library's meeting space may not be used for selling goods or services, soliciting political contributions/signatures, religious worship or service, or for private parties.
The full library meeting room policy is available here.
Request the Meeting Room
To reserve the meeting room, choose your date and time in the online form. Requests must include details about what the meeting room will be used for. You must agree to abide by the library's meeting room policy to use a room. Room applications can also be filled out in person at the library.
If you have questions, you may call the administrative office at 508-324-2700, ext. 110 or 112.
Other Meeting Space
In addition to the meeting room, the library has small, open study rooms on all stack levels. These are available for use for 1-2 people for tutoring, online meetings (please use headphones), and study. They do not need to be reserved and are available on a walk-in basis. There is no fee for using the study rooms.
The study rooms on stack level 3 (the main floor) are temporarily unavailable.